Crop Production

Guava (Psidium guajava): Guava trees are not very long-lived and may bear heavily for 15-25 years. The trees often begin to bear fruit within a year of planting. The guava bears fruit all year round. The vegetatively grown plants start bearing at 3rd year and continue to give economic yields yearly for 30 years. The well grown and well cared trees gives annual yield from 100 to 150kg. The fruits should be harvested at full maturity but in semiripe conditions.

Harvesting and Yield

  • Harvesting and Yield:  Guava fruits attain maximum growth, sucrose and pectin contents after 100 to 110 days from fruit set. Individual handpicking of fruits at regular intervals when they turn greenish yellow and are firm is suggested. Being highly perishable, they have to be marketed immediately after harvest but are sometimes stored for two to three days. Wooden crates and bamboo baskets are usually used to transport the guava fruits.  Positioning of fruits in natural posture with pedicel end vertically upward result in better keeping quality. Vegetatively propagated plants take 2 - 3 years and seedlings take 4 - 5 years to yield. Economic yield is obtained from 7 - 8 years after planting. An average of 500 - 800 fruits may be harvested from a tree / year. Under good management, about 1000 fruits can be expected from a 10 year old plant. The trees lives up to 30 to 40 years, but productivity generally declines after the 15th year.

Guava general information.

Guava (Psidium guajava L) of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae), is the fifth most widely grown fruit crop in India after banana, mango, citrus and papaya. The fruit has gained considerable prominence in India due to its high nutritive value, moderate prices, pleasant aroma and good flavour. Guava is a rich source of vitamin C and pectin and moderate source of B vitamins, calcium, iron and phosphorus. It is one of the commonest fresh fruits liked by the rich and the poor alike and is popularly known as the ‘apple of tropics’ or `poor man’s apple’. Only a small quantity of the production is utilized for processing in the form of jelly, canned cups, juice and nectar, cheese, toffee bar, powder, flakes and strained baby foods have also been prepared besides commercial pectin.

Contact us.

  • ICAR - IIHR.
  • Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake post, Bengaluru - 560 089.
  •   Phone +91-80 23686100. website :