Crop Production
Guava (Psidium guajava): In spite of substantial increase in area and production, there is an ample scope for area expansion; due to its precocious and prolific bearing habit, which in turn ensures high returns to the guava growers. True to the type planting material is the most vital component of area expansion.
Spacing and Planting:
Spacing and Planting: Though guava is sometimes propagated through seeds, it is not desirable as seedlings are not true to types. However, seed propagation may be employed to raise rootstocks. Freshly extracted mature seeds from ripe fruits are sown in polythene bags or nursery beds. Individual seedlings can be transplanted to pots when 10 cm high. These seedlings will be ready in the 8 to 12 months for budding or grafting when they attain pencil thickness. Forkert followed by patch budding is found best for guava. Veneer grafting and inarching are also successful. It is also propagated through layering, cuttings and budding.