Disease management :
(Cercospora psidii Swada):
The affected leaves show scattered
yellowish spots measuring up to 1.0 mm in diameter on the upper
surface of leaf. On the lower surface irregular water soaked
brownish spots are seen. Leaves are curled and subsequently
dropoff. Generally the older leaves get severe infection.
Disease is severe during December to February months when
weather is relatively dry.
Disease is severe during December to
February months when weather is relatively dry.
Disease is severe during December to
February months when weather is relatively dry.
Disease is severe during December to
February months when weather is relatively dry.
Disease is severe during December to February months when weather is relatively dry.
The disease is effectively controlled
through the sprays of Carbendazim (Bavistin 0.1%) or Thiophanate
methyl (Topsin M or Roko 0.1%).
The disease is mostly favoured by
high humidity. During moist weather profuse production of
acervuli is noticed on dead parts of twigs and the spores come
out as a pinkish mass. These are further disseminated by rain or
wind and cause fresh infection. The disease develops more
rapidly on the ripe fruits and maximum spreads takes place at 30
°C and relative humidity of 96%.
Sprayings of Bordeaux mixture (3:3:50) or
Copper oxychloride (Blitox 0.2%) at weekly intervals starting
from the month of July manage the disease. Among systemic
fungicides Carbendazim (Bavistin 0.1%) or Thiophanate methyl
(Topsin M or Roko 0.1%) provide effective disease control.