Crop Production - Technologies

Guava fruit bar

Guava is known for its excellent flavour, delicious taste and healthful values as it is rich in vitamin C.  Guava fruit is highly perishable in nature and need value addition. There are very high post-harvest losses of papaya fruits in India. Sometimes the farmers are not able to sale very small or very big fruits in the fresh market resulting huge losses.

This technology helps in utilization of guava fruit  into bar which is  not available commercially. Fruit bars are highly preferred processed products as they are nutritious, good eye appeal, delicious, easy to transport, convenient with good shelf life. Commercially available product is  mango bar. A process has been developed to utilize both red as well as white guava pulp for bar making. The final product is of natural guava flavor, with very good appearance and taste.

The product can be  consumed as confectionery item (snack) and is highly suitable for children, mountaineers, defense forces in difficult areas where carrying and delivering bulky and perishable fresh fruits is difficult. It is a dehydrated  product suitable for manufacture under micro/ small and medium size industries. This technology may encourage small scale processing units in rural areas.

Guava general information.

Guava (Psidium guajava L) of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae), is the fifth most widely grown fruit crop in India after banana, mango, citrus and papaya. The fruit has gained considerable prominence in India due to its high nutritive value, moderate prices, pleasant aroma and good flavour. Guava is a rich source of vitamin C and pectin and moderate source of B vitamins, calcium, iron and phosphorus. It is one of the commonest fresh fruits liked by the rich and the poor alike and is popularly known as the ‘apple of tropics’ or `poor man’s apple’. Only a small quantity of the production is utilized for processing in the form of jelly, canned cups, juice and nectar, cheese, toffee bar, powder, flakes and strained baby foods have also been prepared besides commercial pectin.

Contact us.

  • ICAR - IIHR.
  • Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake post, Bengaluru - 560 089.
  •   Phone +91-80 23686100. website :